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inherent powers meaning in Hindi

inherent powers sentence in Hindi

जन्मजात शक्‍तियाँ
सहज शक्‍तियाँ
inherent    अंतनिहित
powers    शक्तियां
1.He has the inherent power necessary to ensure a fair trial,

2.This operatic reading distills the inherent power of the tale.

3.Or, they may be afraid of its inherent power.

4.The power of eminent domain is the inherent power of the sovereign.

5.The inherent power to order bans is a deeply ingrained mechanism in Canada.

6.Courts retain " an inherent power to recall their mandates,"

7.So all " inherent power " must derive from that Constitution . }}

8.They point, instead, to the inherent powers of the numbers in 1998.

9.:: A WikiProject has no inherent power.

10.Like the medical dramas, this comedy capitalizes on the inherent power of illness and death.

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How to say inherent powers in Hindi and what is the meaning of inherent powers in Hindi? inherent powers Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.